
I LOVE hot chocolate when the weather gets chilly!! Admittedly, it doesn’t get TOO chilly in Florida, but after the sun sets in the winter it can get down into the 30s!! So creating a healthy hot chocolate recipe to help me stay warm was a definite must =) 

I hope you enjoy! 

Healthy Hot Chocolate
Serves 1
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Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
5 min
Total Time
10 min
Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
5 min
Total Time
10 min
  1. 1 cup almond milk (or milk of choice)
  2. 2 Tbs raw cacao powder (can sub just plain cocoa powder if that's all you have. add more or less depending on how chocolatey you like it =))
  3. 1 Tbs coconut sugar (or sugar of choice. more or less to taste)
  4. 1 tsp vanilla extract
  5. 1 pinch of cinnamon
  6. a generous squirt of fat free whipped cream =)
  1. Heat a pan over medium high heat
  2. Add all ingredients expect vanilla and whipped cream and whisk until it just starts to boil. Whisk WELL so you don't have any cocoa clumps (unless you like clumps, of course ;))
  3. Add vanilla and stir
  4. Pour into your favorite mug and top with whipped cream!
Fit with Rachel http://www.fitwithrachel.com/

healthy hot chocolate recipe



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