What if you could eat delicious food, feel satisfied, AND lose weight?
Do you feel stuck? Like you’ve tried everrrrrrything to lose weight and you end up either bingeing, falling off the wagon, or starving? Then gaining all the weight back?
Dude. I feel you. It’s frustrating as heck. Diets suck.
This isn’t a diet, it’s a flexible approach to a way of eating that will keep you feeling satisfied, while losing weight and increasing your energy. You’ll find yourself waking up before the alarm clock goes off (or your kids jump on you. Whichever one happens first.)
You won’t have any more afternoon crashes, and you won’t feel like you need to snack all day long. When your kids ask you to run around with them at the park, you’ll actually be able to say YES because of how much more energy you have!!
Keto(ish) is for you if your:
Skin is dry and flaky
Nails are brittle
Joints ache
Never satisfied after meals
At a plateau with your weight loss or have a hard time losing weight
Energy is low
Memory sucks
Have hormonal issues
Low HDL cholesterol
Sick of feeling STUCK!
My Story
Hey, gorgeous! So happy you’re here! I’m pumped you’re ready to start your journey to a healthier you!!
I’m Rachel. I lost 80 pounds after I had my son and now help other moms get their bodies back!
Obsessed with: adventure, champagne, chocolate, and yoga pants.
I didn’t grow up eating healthy. I honestly had no clue how to eat right. I ate what I wanted when I wanted. I baked cakes (and ate way too many of them), drank Venti Frappuccinos, ate frosting from the can…well, you get the picture. The only thing that prevented me from becoming seriously overweight was that I was very active.
Fast forward to when I got pregnant…and I was hungry and ended up gaining 65 pounds—yikes!
I lost 65 pounds in 5 months, and another 15 pounds a couple of months later.
I took an even greater interest in my own health and stumbled across eating a high-fat low-carb diet. Even though I lost 80 pounds, I had to be super cautious about my food choices and needed to eat all the time to feel satisfied. I spent so much time thinking about food!
I started sharing my experience eating keto(ish) with my social media following and started running high fat/low carb challenges on Facebook. We have over 1,000 ladies in our group who are following a keto(ish) diet and seeing insane results!! Women who have been stuck at a plateau, who’ve been weight loss resistant, are finally seeing changes in their bodies and feel so good!
I created this guide with everything that I’ve learned so YOU can feel energetic, and confident in your skin.
I hope that you enjoy the content in this guide and that you feel empowered to take control of your health!
With Keto(ish), I’ll show you how to:
Bust through plateaus to create the body (and life) you love
Calculate your macros. Nope, I’m not going to ask you to eat a 1,200 calorie diet. You’ll be surprisingly satisfied!
Modify keto so it fits your lifestyle. We are all so different so you’ll be able to customize keto for you!
Eat healthy at restaurants and while traveling so it truly becomes a lifestyle!
Track your progress with my printable daily trackers in a way that empowers you and sets you up for success!
Tons of super simple meal ideas plus snacks!
Become a fat burning machine!
How to get started with intermittent fasting to speed up your weight loss (plus a million other benefits that we will discuss!)
Tracking your ketone levels (if your goal is in fact ketosis!)
Get over the all or nothing diet mentalities. Diets don’t work-THIS does.
With your purchase, you’ll be invited to my online fit community so we will be there to support you every step of the way!