Something happened when I became a Beachbody Coach…I started to read…a LOT. I’ve always loved to read, but it was more like Nicholas Spark books…books for pleasure. When I became a Beachbody Coach, I quickly learned that the top coaches read to GROW…so I decided to swap my guilty pleasure books for books that would add VALUE to my life. Not that 50 Shades of Gray doesn’t add value lmao, but I wanted to build my business to the best of my ability, so to do that, I needed to change! When I started coaching, I wasn’t a great leader. I wasn’t savvy at using social media. I had no CLUE how to talk to people about my business. I sucked at time management! I was TERRIFIED to post on social media (and that was to my 400 friends, ha!) I had a lot that I needed to change! So over the past 3 years or so, I’ve read a LOT of personal development books.

By category, here are some of my all time favorites–YES I have read or listened to ALL of these–a lot of them multiple times =) 

I highly encourage you to pick up some of these. These are only the ones that I LOVE and recommend. I love the audio version, so I listen to them in the car, when I’m walking TJ, when I’m cooking, cleaning, folding clothes…you get the picture =) 

I am really thinking about doing a book a week challenge–so if you would like to participate in something like that–let me know =) 


My Book List


General Life: 

The Compound Effect (Darren Hardy)

Dani Johnson (she has a ton of audio programs you should check out, but definitely get First Steps to Wealth, Grooming the Next Generation for Success, and Spirit Driven Success)

The Charge (Brendon Buchard)

Personality PLUS (Florence Littauer) 

The Millionare Messenger (Brendon Buchard)

Awaken The Giant Within (Anthony Robbins)

Failing Forward (John C. Maxwell)

How to Win Friends and Influence People (Dale Carnegie)

15 Invaluable Laws of Growth (John C. Maxwell)

How to Win Friends and Influence people (Dale Carnegie)

Five Love Languages (Gary Chapman)

The Slight Edge (Jeff Olsen)

Living Your Best Year Ever (Darren Hardy)

25 Ways to Win with People (John C. Maxwell)

Three Feet From Gold (Napoleon Hill)

Live with Passion (Tony Robbins)

Get the Edge (Tony Robbins)

Influencer (Joseph Grenney)

Everyone Communicates, Few Connect (John C. Maxwell)

The Art of Exceptional Living (Jim Rohn) 


Network Marketing: 

Go Pro

Go For No

The 45 Second Presentation (Don Failla)

Making the Switch (Darren Hardy)

Building your Network Marketing Business (Jim Rohn)



5 Levels of Leadership (John C. Maxwell)

Developing The Leadership Within (John C. Maxwell)

21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership (John C. Maxwell)

Strengths Based Leadership 

The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader (John C. Maxwell)

Developing the Leaders Around You (John C. Maxwell)

How Successful People Lead (John C. Maxwell) 


Time Management: 

Eat That Frog

30 Day Push

How Millionaires Schedule Thier Day

The Four Hour Work Week (Tim Ferriss)

The Miracle of Self Discipline (Brian Tracy)

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Steven Covey)



It Starts with Food

Grain Brain

Gut Bliss

Wheat Belly

Crazy Sexy Diet (Kris Carr)

Made to Crave (Lysa Terkeurst)

The Daniel Plan

Naturally Thin (Bethenny Frankel)

The Primal Blueprint (Mark Sisson)


Dreaming Big:

 The Richest Man in Babylon

Think and Grow Rich


Social Media:

The Thank You Economy   (Gary V)

Crush It (Gary V)

Jab Jab Jab Right Hook (Gary V)



The Total Money Makeover (Dave Ramsey–this book will change your life!)

Smart Women Finish Rich (David Bach) 

The Millionaire Next Door

The Automatic Millionaire (David Bach)


Spiritual Books: 

The Confident Mom (Joyce Meyer)

The Air I Breathe (Louie Giglio–search him on youtube and you’ll find AMAZING stuff) 

Crazy Love (Francis Chan)

I Declare (Joel Osteen)

Crash the Chatterbox (Steven Furtick)

Change Your Words, Change Your Life (Joyce Meyer)

I am Not but I know I AM (Louie Giglio) 


Have you read any of these? Do you have any that I can add to the list? =) 


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